Türk Dış Politikasında Yeni Bir Perspektif: Medeniyetler İttifakı Girişimi?

Nebi Miş

6 Haziran 2008 Cuma 18:30 Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU

Sakarya Üniversitesi,Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi bölümü araştırma görevlisi ve Siyaset ve Sosyal Bilimler doktora adayı Nebi Miş, Ali Balcı ile birlikte kaleme aldığı ve Turkish Studies dergisinin 2008 güz sayısında yayınlanacak "Turkey’s Role in the Alliance of Civilizations: A New Perspective in Turkish Foreign Policy?" çalışması ile ilgili olarak bir sunum yapacaktır.


Turkey’s Role in the Alliance of Civilizations: A New Perspective in Turkish Foreign Policy?

Abstract: Since its foundation, Turkey’s foreign policymakers have declined to undertake any pioneering roles in global initiatives such as assuming the position of the spokesperson of the Islamic world in international platforms. Given this, the Alliance of Civilizations initiative presents not only a challenge to the traditional parameters of Turkish foreign policy but also a new perspective for Turkish foreign policy. This essay examines the roots of this change, the rise of the notion of the Alliance of Civilizations, and Turkey’s role in this initiative. It also analyzes the impact of Turkey’s role in the initiative on other foreign policy issues such as European Union membership.



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