- الصفحة الرئيسية
- مراكز البحوث
- Economy-Politics of the Turkish Foreign Policy During the AK Party Period
Economy-Politics of the Turkish Foreign Policy During the AK Party Period
Tamer Ağca
11 Kasım 2017 Cumartesi 17:00 Salon: ARAŞTIRMA II SALONU
Center for Global Studies will organize an event on the Turkish foreing policy. November will be our guest Tamer Ağca in the framework of the "Tezat" meeting sequence. Ağca will present a doctorate dissertation titled "Economy-Politics of Turkish Foreign Policy during the AK Party Period" at Yeditepe University. The meeting will start on November 11, 2017 Saturday at 17.00 in Research II hall.
- The Usage of Verbal Memory in Turkish Museums within the Context of Sustainability and Power
- Goverment-Market Relationship in Islam
- Turkish Musiki/Music Revolution
- Political Philosophy of Farabi: Its Origins and Originality
- The Impact of June 15 Coup Attempt on Turkish Foreign Policy
- Confronting through Foreign Policy: AK Party, Military and Kemalism)
- Ethical and Political Thougth of Taşkoprizade
- Turkish Novel ve Politics
- Entertainment Culture of Ottoman Istanbul and Karagöz
- The Effects of Using Security Frames on Global Agenda Setting and Policy Making
- Execution style of Karagöz Music
- Justice Problem in International Politics
- Did Karagoz come from Egypt?
- Tarih Yolunda Tanıdıklarım
- The United Nations in an Age of Transition: New Balance of Power or Collapse of World Order?
- The effects of the language reforms on Turkish literature in the context of poetry and translation in The Early Republican Period (1932-1950)
- Karagoz and Cinema
- An Intellectual Diplomat of The Habsburgs': Busbecq and His Turkish Letters
- The Making of the Islamic Youth: Akıncılar
- Karagöz Plays in Print Works: “Letaif-i Hayal"
- Rising China and the Middle East: China's Foreign Policy towards Iran, Israel and Turkey"
- Cicadas and Ants
- Gulf Crisis and Qatar's Security Approach
- Furu-ı Fıqh Books as a Source of Islamic Political Thought
- All Felicities Are Possible
- Dramaturgy in the Texts of Karagöz
- Istanbul, Modernity, and Cinema
- A Shattered Story of a First: On the Beginning of Turkish Cinema
- Literature and Cinema Were Never in Love, Literature is on the Moon hile Cinema is on Earth
- The past and present of Palestinian cinema
- Müslüman Kalarak Avrupalı Olmak Çağdaş Türk Düşüncesinde Din, Siyaset, Tarih, Medeniyet
- Something Useful
- Global Governance Policy of Turkey as an Emerging Power
- Industrialization and Urban Development (1850-2000): Sources and New Methods for Historical Research
- Social Policy in Turkey: Institutions and Individuals
- An Overview of Adaptations of Award-Winning Novels in American and Turkish Cinemas
- Spatial Rural Socio-Economic and Cultural Transformation in Turkey
- Mirâciyye
- How happy are the elderly people? Life Satisfaction of Elderly People in Europe and Turkey
- Rethinking "Siyasetnâme": Traditional Political Thought in the View of a Management Scientist
- How Canonicalize the Second New Poem
- Left and Nationalism in Turkey
- Mevlevi Sheikh Kemal Ahmed Dede
- Milli Sinema Osmanlı'da Sinema Hayatı ve Yerli Üretime Geçiş
- Sultan Osman’ın Bastırdığı Üç Nadir Sikke
- A Research on Benjamin's Concept of History as a Possibility of Poltical Praxis
- Eski Köye Yeni Roman
- Disoriented Wars as a Limit Problem of Political Philosophy
- Chinese Foreign Aid and The Unga Voting Patterns of the Recipients
- The Expedition of the Cehrin (1698) and The Northern Policy of the Ottomans
- Kemal’le İhtimal Namık Kemal'in Şiirine Tersten Bakmak
- Ethic of Public Administration: A Modern Politics Following the Traces of Tradition
- The Foreign Policy Trajectory of the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Socialization Analysis
- The Continuities and the Changes of Child İmage in Turkish Cinema from Yesilcam to Arabesk
- A Life Dedicated to the Dissemination of Law
- From Fasıl to Chorus: Choir as a Standardizing Tool in Classical Turkish Music
- Discussing Hasan Âli Yücel
- The Conservative Revolution: Germans Conservatism and the Revolution
- Forty Years of Islamism: A Reading on Atasoy Müftüoğlu's Thought
- Poetry and Economics: On 'Twenty Reasons I Hate John Maynard Keynes'
- The Route of the Islamic Cause: Methodical Islamic Theories of Power
- “Hüner ile Güher: A Modern Fable Following Tradition
- Loyalty Route
- Turkey's Relations with Middle Eastern Countries: The Rise and Fall of the Quest for Normative Integration
- Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.