Yeşilköy: Kentsel Kültürel Bellek ve Miras Koruma

Yeşilköy: Kentsel Kültürel Bellek ve Miras Koruma

Kübra Turangil

Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı Türkiye Araştırmaları Merkezi ve Sanat Araştırmaları Merkezi Tez-Makale Sunumları kapsamında 11 Haziran 2022 Cumartesi günü Kübra Turangil’i konuk ediyor. Turangil'den FSMVÜ Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı'nda tamamladığı “Yeşilköy: Kentsel Kültürel Bellek ve Miras Koruma” başlıklı yüksek lisans tezini dinleyeceğiz. Etkinlik ücretsiz ve herkesin katılımına açıktır.

11.06.2022 16:00

Tunes from a Sultan’s Diary: Musical Performances and Musıcıans in the Rûznâmes of Mahmud I (R. 1730-1754)

Tunes from a Sultan’s Diary: Musical Performances and Musıcıans in the Rûznâmes of Mahmud I (R. 1730-1754)

G. Hande Betül Ünal

On June 4th 2022, Center for Art Studies will host Gökçen Hande Betül Ünal under the Kırkambar Dissertations and Articles. She will deliver a speech about “Tunes from a Sultan’s Diary: Musical Performances and Musıcıans in the Rûznâmes of Mahmud I (R. 1730-1754)” based on her master thesis.

4.06.2022 14:00

The Formation of the Idea of Artist and the Artist Image in Ottoman Empire between XVI. – XVIII. Centuries

The Formation of the Idea of Artist and the Artist Image in Ottoman Empire between XVI. – XVIII. Centuries

İskender Erol

On March 4th 2022, Center for Art Studies will host İskender Erol under the Kırkambar Dissertations and Articles. He will deliver a speech about “The Formation of the Idea of Artist and the Artist Image in Ottoman Empire Between XVI. – XVIII. Centuries” based on his master thesis.

4.03.2022 17:00

From Fasıl to Chorus: Choir as a Standardizing Tool in Classical Turkish Music

From Fasıl to Chorus: Choir as a Standardizing Tool in Classical Turkish Music

Rümeysa Şişman

On February 26th 2022, Center for Art Studies will host Rümeysa Şişman under the Kırkambar Dissertations and Articles. She will deliver a speech about “From Fasıl to Chorus: Choir as a Standardizing Tool in Classical Turkish Music” based on her master thesis.

26.02.2022 14:00

The Role of Local Governments in Participation in Culture: The Case of Zeytinburnu Culture Center

The Role of Local Governments in Participation in Culture: The Case of Zeytinburnu Culture Center

Zeynep Turan

On January 22nd 2022, Center for Art Studies will host Zeynep Turan under the Kırkambar Dissertations and Articles. She will deliver a speech about  “The Role of Local Governments in Participation in Culture: The Case of Zeytinburnu Culture Center” based on her master thesis.

22.01.2022 14:00

The Problematics of Documentary in terms of Historical Reality

The Problematics of Documentary in terms of Historical Reality

Sümeyye Özkal

On October 16th 2021, Center for Art Studies will host Sümeyye Özkal under the Kırkambar Dissertations and Articles. She will deliver a speech about  “The Problematics of Documentary in terms of Historical Reality” based on her master thesis.

16.10.2021 14:00

The Continuities and the Changes of Child İmage in Turkish Cinema from Yesilcam to Arabesk

The Continuities and the Changes of Child İmage in Turkish Cinema from Yesilcam to Arabesk

Gülçin Pamak

On May 21th 2020, Center for Art Studies will host Gülçin Pamak under the Kırkambar Dissertations and Articles. She will deliver a speech about “The Continuities and the Changes of Child İmage in Turkish Cinema from Yesilcam to Arabesk” based on her master thesis.

17.05.2020 21:15

Transformative Impact of the Process of “İstinsâh”: The Instance of Qıssa-i Yûsuf of Yûsuf-ı Meddâh

Transformative Impact of the Process of “İstinsâh”: The Instance of Qıssa-i Yûsuf of Yûsuf-ı Meddâh

Sadık Yazar

On January 31st 2020, Center for Art Studies will host Sadık Yazar under the Kırkambar Dissertations and Articles. He will deliver a speech about on the intricacies of “istinsah” and writing culture through the work of Kıssa-i Yûsuf of the XIV. century poet Yûsuf-ı Meddâh, one of the founders of early Turkish literature, based on his paper in Divan Edebiyatı Araştırmaları Dergisi.

31.01.2020 17:00

Gelibolulu Mustafa Âlî’nin Kayıp Farsça Divanı

Gelibolulu Mustafa Âlî’nin Kayıp Farsça Divanı

Turgay Şafak

On January 6th 2019, Center for Art Studies will host Turgay Şafak under the Kırkambar Dissertations and Articles. He will deliver a speech about “Gelibolulu Mustafa Âlî’nin Kayıp Farsça Divanı” based on his article.

6.01.2020 17:00

Romantic Guardians of Lost Time: Yavuz Turgul Movies and Nostalgia in the Context of Social Change After 1980

Romantic Guardians of Lost Time: Yavuz Turgul Movies and Nostalgia in the Context of Social Change After 1980

Döndü Toker

On December 12th 2019, Center for Art Studies will host Döndü Toker under the Kırkambar Dissertations and Articles. She will deliver a speech about “Romantic Guardians of Lost Time: Yavuz Turgul Movies and Nostalgia in the Context of Social Change After 1980” based on her master thesis.

12.12.2019 17:00

خيار المحررين


As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



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