- الصفحة الرئيسية
- مراكز البحوث
- A Different World from Europe: Jan Potocki's Expression East (1784)
A Different World from Europe: Jan Potocki's Expression East (1784)
Hacer Topaktaş
23 Şubat 2017 Perşembe 17:00 Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU
On February 23th 2017, Center for Turkish Studies will host Hacer Topaktaş* under the diskussions travelogues. Topaktaş will deliver a speech about “A Different World from Europe: Jan Potocki's Expression East (1784)"** based on her thesis.***
* Assoc. Prof. Dr., Istanbul University
** Jan Potocki, Voyage en Turquie et en Egypte fait en l'année 1784, (Warszawa, 1788).
- From Global Security To Global Domination
- Road from Andalusia: XVII. Century to Mashrib, Andalusias’ and Europe
- Islamic Economic Thought: Accumulation and Orientation
- The United Nations in an Age of Transition: New Balance of Power or Collapse of World Order?
- Rising China and the Middle East: China's Foreign Policy towards Iran, Israel and Turkey"
- IKBY Referendum and Regional Impacts
- From Vienna to Jerusalem, The Course of Zionism
- Rising Threats in the Middle East in the Post-DEAŞ
- Arab-Israeli Wars and Regional Impacts
- China and the World
- Global Governance Policy of Turkey as an Emerging Power
- The Privatization of Warfare
- Settler Colonialism in Palestine/Israil
- Ummah or Nation? İdentity Crisis in Contemporary Muslim Society
- Disoriented Wars as a Limit Problem of Political Philosophy
- Palestinian and Jewish Citizens of Israel in the Identity Security
- Normative Consensus and Regional Orders: Saudi Reaction to Systemic Crises in the Middle East
- The Muslim Brotherhood and the Problem of Political Institutionalization
- The Foreign Policy Trajectory of the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Socialization Analysis
- Origins of Inter-Elite Cooperation: Opposition Coalitions in Authoritarian Regimes and Democratization in the Middle East
- Ottoman-Southeast Asian Relations
- Ulema and the Arab Spring: Toward a Comparative Sociology of Intellectuals
- Forty Years of Islamism: A Reading on Atasoy Müftüoğlu's Thought
- The Route of the Islamic Cause: Methodical Islamic Theories of Power
- Warriors Without Borders? Rethinking Foreign Fighters in Modern Conflicts
- Rethinking the Medina Document Debates in the Light of Constitutionalism, Pluralism and Consensus
- Russian nationalism
- Palestine Problem and the Future of the Middle East
- On Salt and Stone: Regime, War and Migration in Syria
- Turkey's Relations with Middle Eastern Countries: The Rise and Fall of the Quest for Normative Integration
- Post-Western World, Globalization and Turkey
- The Palestine Test of the Western Front
- Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders
- Shaman and Tengri: A Critique of ‘Steppe Historiography’
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.