Klasik Edebiyat Okumaları IX: Sevda Hikayeleri

Klasik Edebiyat Okumaları IX: Sevda Hikayeleri

Kadir Turgut

Cumartesi günleri 13.00-15.00 saatleri arasında Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı'nda yüz yüze yürütülecek olan atölyeye katılmak isteyenlerin 1 Nisan 2024 Pazartesi, saat 23.00’a kadar aşağıda yer alan linke tıklayarak başvuru formunu doldurmaları gerekmektedir. Başvuru sonuçları  e-posta aracılığıyla başvuru sahiplerine iletilecektir. İlk oturum 27 Nisan 2024 Cumartesi  günü yapılacaktır.

18.03.2024 12:07

Romanlarla Tarih Okumaları

Romanlarla Tarih Okumaları

Rahime Demir

Geçtiğimiz yıldan beri çevrimiçi ortamda faaliyetlerine devam eden Romanlarla Tarih Okumaları, yeni dönemde yüz yüze seçeneğiyle ve yeni katılımcılarla çalışmalarına devam edecektir. Okuma grubuna katılmak isteyenlerin başvuru formunu doldurmaları gerekmektedir.

23.12.2022 17:00

 Classical Literature Readings VIII: Sevda Hikâyeleri (Love Stories)

Classical Literature Readings VIII: Sevda Hikâyeleri (Love Stories)

Kadir Turgut

In this reading group, the works and literary genres revealed in literatures developed between Islamic societies and cultures, especially Arab, Persian and Turkish literatures, will be discussed.

14.02.2022 13:21

Studies on Children's Literature

Studies on Children's Literature

Meryem Selva İnce

In this reading group, which is planned as eight sessions, we will think about the nature of children's literature, and we will look for answers together the question of "What is children's literature and what is not?"

22.12.2021 20:00

Romanlarla Tarih Okumaları

Romanlarla Tarih Okumaları

Rahime Demir

“Romanlar Üzerinden Tarih Okumaları”, konusu itibariyle esasta bir tarihi devri ve şahsiyeti ele alan bu türden romanların kronolojik bir devir seyri içerisinde okunmasını ve yorumlanmasını esas alan bir okuma grubudur.  Katılmak isteyenlerin 22 Ağustos 2021 Pazar, saat 21.00’a kadar'de yer alan linke tıklayarak başvuru formunu doldurmaları gerekmektedir.

4.09.2021 10:30

Classical Literature Readings V: Sevda Hikâyeleri (Love Stories)

Classical Literature Readings V: Sevda Hikâyeleri (Love Stories)

Kadir Turgut

This reading will discuss group, the works and literary genres revealed in literature developed between Islamic societies and cultures, especially Arab, Persian and Turkish literature.

8.02.2020 16:00

Readings of "Mantıku't Tayr"

Readings of "Mantıku't Tayr"

Özlem Güneş

In this reading group, we will talk about Gülşehri’s "Mantıku’t Tayr"(Gülşennâme). The first session of the reading group, which is planned to meet twice a month, will take place on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 17.00.

11.12.2019 17:00

Dostoevsky's Reading Group

Dostoevsky's Reading Group

Neslihan Demirci

The aim of the reading group is to focus on the philosophical ideas of Dostoyevsky, which is not only a novelist who is a pioneer of modern literature, but as a thinker, and to try to understand the literary structure as well as his mental background.

21.10.2019 17:00

Classical Literature Readings IV: Sevda Hikâyeleri (Love Stories)

Classical Literature Readings IV: Sevda Hikâyeleri (Love Stories)

Kadir Turgut

In this reading group, the works and literary genres revealed in literatures developed between Islamic societies and cultures, especially Arab, Persian and Turkish literatures, will be discussed.

23.02.2019 15:00

"Hüsn ü Aşk" Readings

"Hüsn ü Aşk" Readings

Özlem Güneş

Hüsn ü Aşk of Şeyh Galip, the last major mesnevi of Classical Turkish Literature, exhibits all his magnificence on the neck of the poetry beautician, like a necklace with unique beauty, skillfully brought to the body with the hand of a lyricist. In this reading group organized under the coordination of Özlem Güneş, the answers to the questions of “What is love?” and “Who is beautiful?” will be sought.

25.10.2018 17:00

خيار المحررين


As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



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