Histrocitiy of the World in Hegel and Heidegger
Erdal Yılmaz
28 Ekim 2017 Cumartesi 15:00 Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU
Tezgâhtakiler will host Dr. Erdal Yilmaz from Istanbul Şehir University, Department of Philosophy. He will present his doctoral dissertation entitled "Histrocitiy of the World in Hegel and Heidegger".
- Existentialist Theology
- The Concept of Circle of Justice: Its Genesis and the Basic Elements
- Ottoman Philosophical Legacy
- Philosophy of Death
- Political Philosophy of Farabi: Its Origins and Originality
- Divine Perfection in terms of Philosophy of Religion
- Babanzade Ahmed Naim as a Member of Darulfunun Philosophy Department
- Law and Morality: Bounded or Distinct? An Argument on Hart
- The Absolute War: A Clausewitzyen Analysis on the First World War
- The Problem of Meaning in Literature, Music and Calligraphy
- Mutual Origin of Art and Philosophy: Techne in Platon
- Ethical and Political Thougth of Taşkoprizade
- The Idea and Practice of Justice in the Ottoman Empire
- The Problem of Justice in International Relations and the Islamic World
- The British School's Order Concept and European Union
- Symbol and Metaphor in Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy
- Critique of Mimesis in Platon’s Thought
- Tarih Yolunda Tanıdıklarım
- Realm of Examples in Ishraq Philosophy
- The United Nations in an Age of Transition: New Balance of Power or Collapse of World Order?
- The Possibility of Talking about Being in Terms of Being: An Analysis Based on Islamic Metaphysical Traditions
- A New Method in History Investigations: Ottoman Archaeology
- Deification in ancient Greek Philosophy
- Furu-ı Fıqh Books as a Source of Islamic Political Thought
- Cinema at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Literature
- Cinema in the Ottoman Empire from the Period of Autocracy to the World War I
- The Metaphysics of Sacred Art
- From Art to Truth: Heidegger, Van Gogh, Schapiro, Derrida
- China and the World
- Levâmi'u'n-Nûr (Text-Assesment)
- General Legal Arrangement Efforts in Ottoman Cinema: The Fate of a Lâyiha
- Philosophical Hermeneutics and Art
- Film as a Material of History
- Ottoman History in America
- Aesthetic of Third Cinema
- Modernite Eleştirisinden Beden-Zihin Problemine: Lukács'ın Görünmez Mirası
- History of Naval in Ottoman
- The Issues Concerning the Origin of Turkish Cinema History
- Cinema and Philosophy
- Cultural Role of Islamic Calligraphy in Houses in the Late Ottoman Period
- From the 19th Century to the Present: Romance, Melancholy and Politics
- A Research on Benjamin's Concept of History as a Possibility of Poltical Praxis
- 2018'de Bilim: Buluşlar, Yenilikler, Beklentiler
- İmparatorlukla Cumhuriyet Arasında Mustafa Kemal'in Gazetesi: Hakimiyet-i Milliye (1920-1924)
- Celebratory Poems
- See the Social World of Physics and Biological Sciences
- Historicizing The Novel: Madonna in a Fur Coat as a Literary Event
- History of a Göynük House: Four Generation Two Architects
- Gelibolulu Mustafa Âlî’nin Kayıp Farsça Divanı
- Post-Western World, Globalization and Turkey
- The Political Ontology of Communitarianism
- Artificial Intelligence and International Relations: The Possibility of a Global Nopolitical Order
- Agonistic Politics in Contemporary Political Philosophy
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.