- الصفحة الرئيسية
- مراكز البحوث
- Mutual Origin of Art and Philosophy: Techne in Platon
Mutual Origin of Art and Philosophy: Techne in Platon
Oğuz Haşlakoğlu
8 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi 15:00 Salon: ARAŞTIRMA II SALONU
You are invited to Tezgahtakiler round-table meeting titled "Mutual Origin of Art and Philosophy: Techne in Platon" and organized by Centre for Civilizational Studies. Haşlakoğlu presents a rather different reading on Platon's thinking which concentrates on philosophy as a mastery different from a mental pursuit based on the concept of tekhne.
- The Euroscepticism in Turkey: An Analysis of PRP (CHP), NAP (MHP), and JDP (AKP)
- Turkish-Persian Literary Relations
- Reason and Morality: The Origin of Ethics according to Aristotle and Farabi
- Activity of The Soul in Accordance with Virtue: Happiness in Aristotle
- The Concept of Circle of Justice: Its Genesis and the Basic Elements
- Metaphysical Evil and Art
- Ottoman Philosophical Legacy
- A Proposal of Civilization Based on Plato and Kant's Concept of Idea
- Philosophy of Death
- Political Philosophy of Farabi: Its Origins and Originality
- Divine Perfection in terms of Philosophy of Religion
- Self-Knowledge in Avicenna and Descartes
- Babanzade Ahmed Naim as a Member of Darulfunun Philosophy Department
- Contemporary Art in Turkiye at the Context of III. International Istanbul Triennial
- The Travelling Storytellers
- Law and Morality: Bounded or Distinct? An Argument on Hart
- Dream (Rüya)
- On the Track of Tale
- Confronting through Foreign Policy: AK Party, Military and Kemalism)
- The Problem of Meaning in Literature, Music and Calligraphy
- Album
- The Apprentice (Çırak)
- Architecture in Turkiye in 2000s: Problems and Opportunities
- Ethical and Political Thougth of Taşkoprizade
- Turkish Novel ve Politics
- Cold of Kalandar
- Turkish Tradition Theater and Karagöz
- The Challenge of Europe's "Now": Time in the Romantic Age Architecture
- Symbol and Metaphor in Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy
- Carl Schmitt's Partisan Theory
- Critique of Mimesis in Platon’s Thought
- Transformation of Art in Türkiye
- Realm of Examples in Ishraq Philosophy
- Islamic Visual Culture between Theory and Practice
- The Possibility of Talking about Being in Terms of Being: An Analysis Based on Islamic Metaphysical Traditions
- Histrocitiy of the World in Hegel and Heidegger
- Tensional Friendship Between Literature and Cinema
- Cicadas and Ants
- Economy-Politics of the Turkish Foreign Policy During the AK Party Period
- Deification in ancient Greek Philosophy
- Furu-ı Fıqh Books as a Source of Islamic Political Thought
- Cinema at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Literature
- All Felicities Are Possible
- Cinema in the Ottoman Empire from the Period of Autocracy to the World War I
- The Metaphysics of Sacred Art
- From Art to Truth: Heidegger, Van Gogh, Schapiro, Derrida
- A Wooden Building Cooperative in Afyon
- Documentary Cinema and the Artistic Adventure of Reality from Literature to Cinema
- Geometric Patterns in Classical Ottoman Architecture
- Modernism and House
- General Legal Arrangement Efforts in Ottoman Cinema: The Fate of a Lâyiha
- Philosophical Hermeneutics and Art
- The Birth of Modern Family and House in Istanbul Since
- Mirâciyye
- Tanpınar and the Third Eye of Ra
- Film as a Material of History
- A Neighborhood Fiction: İznik Toki Houses
- Understanding Collaborative Partnership Practices in Cultural Heritage Management: Case Study of Maritime Greenwich
- Cinema and Philosophy
- House in the East Blacksea and a New Trial: House of Yaşar
- From the 19th Century to the Present: Romance, Melancholy and Politics
- Cultural Production Spaces in Ottoman Society
- The Legend of Yaşar Kemal
- The making of a cinema culture through cinema magazines in early Republican Turkey
- Yahşibey Houses
- The Story of Two Houses in Fatih
- Cinema Between Reality and Magic
- Edirne Uc Serefeli Mosque and the Restorations up to the Republican Period through the Documents
- The Same Man's Story: İsmet Özel and Partisan
- The Challenge of Algorithmic Fiqh
- Yaralı Erkeklikler: 12 Mart Romanlarında Yalnızlık, Yabancılaşma ve Öfke
- The Genius Grandson of the Prophet: Şerif Muhiddin Targan
- The Latecomer Home
- Let Children Play
- Mesud Cemil
- Historicizing The Novel: Madonna in a Fur Coat as a Literary Event
- Platon'un Parmenides Diyaloğundaki "Methexis" Tartışmasının Bir Eleştirisi
- Çoker House
- Talk with Eric Broug: On Islamic Geometric Patterns
- Hybridizing Conflicts and Power Pendulums
- İslam'da Metafizik Düşünce: Kindî ve Fârâbî
- The Coastal Regions of Bosphorus and Golden Horn, Accordıng to The Last Bostancıbaşı Regıstry Book
- İnsan Varsayımı (I): İnsanca, Pek İnsanca
- Romantic Guardians of Lost Time: Yavuz Turgul Movies and Nostalgia in the Context of Social Change After 1980
- An Urgup Experience in the Context of Locality
- İslamcıların Siyasi Görüşleri 2
- Gelibolulu Mustafa Âlî’nin Kayıp Farsça Divanı
- The Street of Sedat Anar: Sokaknâme
- The Continuities and the Changes of Child İmage in Turkish Cinema from Yesilcam to Arabesk
- The Disaster of the Ideological Intervention on Culture and Art: What the Experience of Socialism Can Teach
- From Fasıl to Chorus: Choir as a Standardizing Tool in Classical Turkish Music
- National Vision Movement: Political and Social Transformations
- Cultural Policies in the Centennial of the Republic
- Poetry and Economics: On 'Twenty Reasons I Hate John Maynard Keynes'
- Warriors Without Borders? Rethinking Foreign Fighters in Modern Conflicts
- Artificial Intelligence, Translation and Publishing
- The Political Ontology of Communitarianism
- Artificial Intelligence and International Relations: The Possibility of a Global Nopolitical Order
- Agonistic Politics in Contemporary Political Philosophy
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.