- الصفحة الرئيسية
- مراكز البحوث
- A Proposal of Civilization Based on Plato and Kant's Concept of Idea
A Proposal of Civilization Based on Plato and Kant's Concept of Idea
Asım Aliş Sağıroğlu
23 Mayıs 2015 Cumartesi 17:00 Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's third speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Asım Aliş Sağıroğlu. Sağıroğlu will make a presentation about the concept of Idea in Kant and Plato's philosophy and from this point he will propose a new concept of civilization, in the context of his Ph.D thesis. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.
- Epistemological Dimensions of Aesthetic Judgement in Kant's Philosophy
- Mathematics and Metaphysic
- Mutual Origin of Art and Philosophy: Techne in Platon
- Critique of Mimesis in Platon’s Thought
- Bloodstream, Operation and Musical Modes: Extraordinary musical adventure of Kantemiroğlu and his Edvar
- Platon'un Parmenides Diyaloğundaki "Methexis" Tartışmasının Bir Eleştirisi
- İslam'da Metafizik Düşünce: Kindî ve Fârâbî
- İnsan Varsayımı (I): İnsanca, Pek İnsanca
- Aklın Sınırlarında Metafizik: Felsefi Akledilirler Öğretisi
- The Identity Problem of Unreal Conservatism in Turkey
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.