Turkish Arts

Nicole N. Kançal-Ferrari

28 فبراير, 2015 10:30 ص Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU

On February 28th 2015, The Center for Art Studies will host Nicole Kançal-Ferrari under the Kırkambar Talks to discuss Turkish Arts. The event will be held in Şakir Kocabaş Hall of the Foundation for Sciences and Arts at 10:30. 
This lecture is a brief introduction to Turkish visual arts and culture, and it aims to familiarize the audience with the basic notions of Turkish art and culture in Turkey. A wide range of examples will demonstrate the visual idiom(s) of Turkey spanning a time period from the arrival of the Turks until current day. Examples will include architecture, decorative arts and calligraphy.
The event will be conducted in English, and is free to public.

خيار المحررين


As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية لدينا لتلقي الأخبار والتحديثات.