Administrative Apprehensions in the Ottoman Provinces: The Civil-Administrative Demands and Attempts for Change in the Uşak District (1908-1919)

Biray Çakmak

Saturday, January 20, 2018 5:00 PM Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU

Turkey Research Center presents a new series titled "Talks on Cities and Neighborhood" that will give you the opportunity to discuss the historical and contemporary issues of the urban planning, spatial history, and environment through related books, dissertations and articles. In our next meeting in January, we are going to host Biray Çakmak*. He will present his proje on “Administrative Apprehensions in the Ottoman Provinces: The Civil-Administrative Demands and Attempts for Change in the Uşak District (1908-1919)”**.***

“This study deals with the foundation of nâhiye governance in Karahallı Village within the borders of Uşak District in a comprehensive way. Within this framework, people of Karahallı demanded the establishment of nâhiye governance for which they even pledged to cover the whole expenses. Thereupon the Ottoman central administration found this demand convenient and with a decree issued in January 14, 1907 Karahallı Nâhiye was founded. The foundation of Karahallı Nâhiye is a very significant case as it depicts the people's apprehensions of being ruled. On this occasion, the bureaucratic process in the path to establishment of a nâhiye can be observed as well. In this paper, the foundation of Karahallı Nâhiye is handled thoroughly by stressing these two aspects above. The developments following the constitution of nâhiye governance in Karahallı are also elaborated. In this juncture, the demands of local people for the establishment of nâhiye governance and to get rid of the salaries of governmental officials and other expenses they pledged to cover are dwelled on. The study is constructed on the documents in various classifications of Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives. In addition, the newspapers and yearbooks of the period are utilized as well. Ultimately, in this study it is concluded that the dwellers of Karahallı had apprehensions of being ruled and were not indifferent to the administrative issues at all.”


*Asst. Prof. Dr. Usak University.

** http://www.ctad.hacettepe.edu.tr/11_21/3.pdf



*** The speech will be conducted in Turkish.




As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



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