Construction of Ottoman Vîlāyet-i Rûm (patrons-vaqfs-actors of architecture): Yorguc Pasha family's patronage (1429-1494)”

Çağhan Keskin

21 أكتوبر, 2017 05:00 م Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU


Turkey Research Center presents a new series titled "Talks on Cities and Neighborhood" that will give you the opportunity to discuss the historical and contemporary issues of the urban planning, spatial history, and environment through related books, dissertations and articles. In our next meeting in October, we are going to host Çağhan Keskin*. He will present his doctoral thesis on “Construction of Ottoman Vîlāyet-i Rûm (patrons-vaqfs-actors of architecture): Yorguc Pasha family's patronage (1429-1494)”**.***


“The thesis focuses on the architectural patronage of Murad II's powerful vizier Yörgüç Pasha and his family around Amasya region where called as Vilayet-i Rûm in the Ottoman era. As the ruler elite of the region, family members' tendency to commission monuments is an important case to examine the provincial Ottoman architecture in the 15th century. This research aims to determine the motivation of the family members to commission several types of monuments through the social and economic circumtences of the 15th century [particularly from 1429 to 1498], and to reveal the possible architectural actors who would have worked for the family.”


* Assist. Prof., Kadir Has University.

** Construction of Ottoman Vîlāyet-i Rûm (patrons-vaqfs-actors of architecture): Yorguc Pasha family's patronage (1429-1494), Doktoral Thesis, ITU, 2017.

*** The speech will be conducted in Turkish.


خيار المحررين


As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية لدينا لتلقي الأخبار والتحديثات.